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“I spent about nine months at Casa Pacifica Women’s and loved every moment of it. Sober living offered me an instant support group to come home to and a safe inviting environment to live in. I got plugged into the community and met wonderful women through this house. Laura herself always made sure I felt safe and was having a good experience. She cared so much about me and the other women in the house. I’m forever thankful for the great start at sobriety I had. Thanks to Laura and the program she showed me and offered I have maintained sobriety. It was a beautiful experience living in the house and the house taught me how to be a women with integrity and how to live a normal life.”

~ Ivey W.

time for change


“When I came into Casa Pacifica I was a mess. A girl filled with anxiety and hurt. I was lost on how to take on sobriety and overwhelmed by everything. I was scared to talk to people, scared to go to meetings, scared of everything. When I walked into Casa Pacifica something there felt safe, and I knew it was where I needed to be. The house manager encouraged me to be honest about how I was feeling and would talk to me for hours helping me to feel comfortable in my own skin. The support and encouragement I received in the house slowing gave me a support network and the building blocks I needed to stay sober. The women I met in this house inspired me and together we went to meetings, did our steps, and grew in our sobriety. In the six months I stayed at Casa Pacifica I learned to live again sober, and I could not have asked for a more beautiful place or more beautiful women to do it with.”

~ Alexandria K

“Casa Pacifica holds a very special place in my heart, as it always will. Something magical happened for me the day that I first visited the home and spoke to Laura; I felt unconditional love and support. The women of Casa Pacifica helped me learn to laugh again and they taught me how to love myself. For that, I am forever grateful!”

~ Nicole C.

yes you can

“When all felt lost, Mary provided a safe harbor of hope, healing, and structure. She created what is now the backbone of my sobriety, solidly laying down the foundation one day at a time. With keen insight of newcomers, Mary understood my introverted personality when I moved into the house and softened my fear with eternal understanding. Today, Casa Pacifica and Mary are in integral part of my program and she remains my trusted advisor and dear friend.”

~ Gillian